italk. Broadband that beats the freeze.

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Free router worth £99!

Buffer no more with reliable broadband from just £21.99.

Leave the freezing feeling outside and explore the wonders of boundless broadband from the comfort of your home this winter. No hidden extras, no nasty surprises. Just essential, lightning-fast broadband for binge-watchers, gamers and internet pros alike.

* Average speed, actual speeds calculated after line check

Why choose italk

Our promise to you

Unrivalled customer service

We know how disruptive being disconnected can be. That’s why we’ve made sure our customer support team are UK based, expertly trained and ready to get you up and running - as and when you need them.

You’ll always have the best deal

No new customer benefits, no long-term loyalty schemes. We treat every customer to the same exceptional service and packages. Know that you’re getting the best value for your money, all the time.

Exceptional value

All of the benefits and more. No added extras, no hidden fees, exceptional support and no nasty surprises. All the broadband you love, for a little less.

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