Who you Gonna Call? The Security Benefits of a Landline
In times of need, there are a few good reasons why a reliable landline is something you’ll want amongst your emergency response tools.
Unless you were some kind of child genius, 999 is probably the first number you ever knew by heart. The number, engraved into our memories, now sits alongside 111 for non-emergency medical help, and 101 for non-emergency local law enforcement as a way to instantly reach the necessary services in a crisis.
The crucial role that a phone plays in times of emergency is something that doesn’t always cross our minds when we’re making social calls or ordering takeaway. However, in times of need, there are a few good reasons why a reliable landline is something you’ll want amongst your emergency response tools.
Stay Connected in an Emergency
The obvious appeal of a landline is that it will never leave you short. Even if your mobile phone has run out of battery or lost signal, you know you can trust your landline to be ready and waiting for you when you need it most.
A landline phone with a corded base can even work during a power outage, allowing you to check on affected neighbours, call your power company, or just get on with your day while waiting for power to return.
Automatically Share your Location
One of the most important things about your landline in times of crisis is that it’s directly connected to your address, and can automatically report your location to emergency services when you dial 999 - including the floor and flat number.
While cell phones use an inbuilt GPS system or mobile signal tracking to send location information to emergency services, there are various cases in which this may prove inaccurate or ineffective - for example, if you are living in a high-rise building. If the emergency in question leaves you unable to speak, you can rely on your landline to provide the information that the services need.
On the other hand, families with small children may want to set up a lock on their home phones, as the last thing you want is the fire department turning up at your house as the result of little fingers pressing buttons!
Set up your Home Security System
While we now have a plethora of different home security system options to choose from, systems based around landlines remain amongst the cheapest and most reliable.
You simply need to attach a phone panel to the wall phone jack, and program the auto dialler with numbers to call in the case of a detected emergency - for example, your mobile number, a neighbour’s number, or a monitoring centre.
Do the Safety Dance
If you’re considering whether or not you need a landline in this era of online communications, you might want to consider your security, and that of your home. Hopefully you’ll never need to take advantage of your landline’s security benefits, but it’s good to know they’re there! As italk Sales Manager Fiona McLean says, “I like having the peace of mind that my home phone will always be there when I need it!”
If you’re looking for a great line rental only package, we can set you up with a great 18 month contract at an affordable price, billing you only for the calls that really matter. If you’re a bit of a chatterbox, why not add one of our great value packages, giving you free calls to suit your lifestyle? Call our friendly sales team now on 0333 210 4290 to find the ideal landline option for you and your home.